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Eyebrow Transplant

About Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow transplantation is a method used to regenerate eyebrows that have fallen out for various reasons or to thicken the existing eyebrow structure. Factors such as skin diseases, hormonal imbalances or diet can cause eyebrow loss. At the same time, the permanent removal of the eyebrow roots causes the eyebrows in that area to weaken and fall out permanently. This can affect both men and women.

What Does Eyebrow Transplantation Involve?

Eyebrow transplantation is similar to hair transplantation and involves the transfer of hair follicles from different parts of the body to the area to be transplanted. Mostly hair follicles behind the ears or on the back of the neck are utilized. It is very important that the procedure is performed under the supervision of an experienced doctor in order to achieve a natural appearance compatible with the general facial features of the individual.

When Should I Apply for Eyebrow Transplantation?

Factors such as improper eyebrow plucking, dermatological diseases, injuries or burns can damage eyebrows, which are sensitive by nature, and cause them to thin. Eyebrow transplantation can be a good option in such cases. Before the operation, the eyebrow transplantation area is defined in a way that the patient wants and that best suits the other contours of the face, and the transplantation process is applied to this area.

Eyebrow Transplant for Fuller Eyebrows

Eyebrow transplantation may be a good option if the person has very thin eyebrows and is not satisfied with this situation or has lost their eyebrows for various reasons. For example, if a person starts plucking their eyebrows at a very young age, it can damage the hair follicles and cause permanent eyebrow loss. Eyebrow transplantation is a permanent solution to get thicker and fuller eyebrows.

What are the Advantages of Eyebrow Transplantation?

The biggest advantage of eyebrow transplantation is that the new transplanted eyebrows will have a very natural appearance since they are taken from the person himself. The procedure will also limit the need for eyebrow makeup.

Recovery Process After Eyebrow Transplantation

The recovery period for eyebrow transplantation is relatively fast. The individual should avoid heavy exercise for about 3 weeks after the operation, and if he/she sees any bleeding, swelling or discharge in the area, he/she should consult his/her doctor immediately.

The hair transplanted during transplantation will fall out after a few weeks. This is quite normal. The new eyebrow hairs will start to grow permanently within a few months.

What are the Risks of Eyebrow Transplantation?

Although rare, the most major complication of eyebrow transplantation is that the eyebrow skin does not accept the new hair follicles. In this case, the procedure may need to be repeated in the future. The eyebrow transplant procedure carries the same risks as any surgery. These risks include bleeding, infection, nerve damage, swelling and bruising.

Before the eyebrow transplant, the surgeon will minimize the risks by examining the person’s medical history and personal situation. For this reason, it is very important that the individual openly shares any medications and health conditions with the doctor.

For eyebrow transplantation to be successful, it must be performed in a sterile environment under expert supervision. It is a very reliable procedure when performed by a reliable and experienced specialist in a trusted clinic. However, it should be remembered that the reaction to this process will vary from person to person and the results will never be the same for two people.

Advantages of Eyebrow Transplant and FUE Method

Eyebrow transplantation with the FUE method offers advantages such as minimal pain and numbness in the postoperative period and a faster recovery period. The shorter recovery time compared to the FUT method means that sessions can be applied more frequently.

If the person does not want to have scars on the scalp after eyebrow transplantation and wants to return to his/her daily life faster, the FUE method is an ideal option. The procedure takes approximately 4 to 8 hours depending on the number of grafts and the size of the area to be transplanted.

Eyebrow transplantation with the FUE method takes 3 to 5 days to heal and the first results are seen within 3 to 4 months. However, it may take 9 months to a year and a half to see full results. The person should be patient in this process.

Eyebrow transplantation, performed by experienced hair transplant doctors in specialized clinics such as Demiderm Hair Transplant Polyclinic, is an effective option to provide natural and permanent results for people struggling with eyebrow loss. You can contact our experts for more information and a personal assessment of this process.

Demiderm Hair Polyclinic

Eyebrow transplantation requires a personalized treatment plan and your doctor will examine your eyebrow condition to determine what is most suitable for you. This method can be an effective option for solving eyebrow loss.


It is important to consult hair transplant specialists to get a personalized consultation and treatment plan.

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